Mission & Values
To accomplish this, we will:
Provide the highest quality, most effective, and safest supplements, foods, and health & beauty aids we can under the AzureWell brand.
Ensure our AzureWell brand products are of the highest nutritional value, packed with super-nutrients from the abundance of nature.
Provide educational materials and connections so everyone can learn how to care for their bodies.
Provide connections to like-minded practitioners who value nature-based health solutions.
Provide “radical transparency”. We believe you should only ingest and put on your body things that are beneficial. We have high standards, and we hold our manufacturing partners to very high standards as well. Some may call it “radical transparency,” but we don’t think it’s radical at all… we expect our suppliers and manufacturers to be fully transparent.
Our Mission
To help people maintain and restore abundant health for the long term in the most natural ways.
1. Inspire Healthy & Abundant Living
This is what Azure is all about. When each of us do our best to inspire healthy and abundant living for ourselves, others, and future generations, we can truly improve life for all. From the farmers who grow the food to the cooks who prepare it, and from those who teach to those who learn, if everyone does their best to inspire healthy and abundant living no matter their occupation, can you imagine how quickly we could improve the world?
2. Provide Superior Service
Good businesses put service first. Good relationships are built on serving others. Service to others is what gives us more satisfaction in life. Serving others is what Jesus asked us to do in John Chapter 13. There are times when we’re in a position to serve others, and on the flip-side, there are times when we need the service of others. It is important to accept the help we need, knowing that it’s a blessing for the other person to be able to serve another.
3. Build Relationships, Forgive & Embrace the Moment
Strong, positive relationships are healthy, yet building those relationships can take effort. Reconciliation, making peace, forgiving, trusting, and being trustable all help build relationships that improve one's health. Learning to embrace the moment by living in today (not in the regrets of the past or in the fears of the future), taking time to appreciate our current activities (“Wherever you are, be there”), and counting our blessings all create the stage for true healing to happen.
4. Embrace Change, Practice Flexibility
Change is inevitable. Change (whether perceived as “good” or “bad”) can be stressful. But, learning to look for the good in every turn in the pathway of life makes us more resilient. And sometimes it takes courage to be the one who takes action for a needed and beneficial change. Sometimes a person’s greatest strength is to flex and bend with change, much like a tree becomes stronger as it gently flexes in the wind.
5. Pursue Learning and Innovation
The advice to “never stop learning” is so appropriate for the journey back to health. Yet, as Albert Einstein once said, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.” When we start thinking we know it all, we should dig deeper. Our Creator made our bodies and the world we live in with such amazing complexity, there is always something new to learn and another “ah-ha!” moment awaits us if we look. When we better understand the truth of how things work, we can then be innovative with effective solutions to problems.
6. Dream our Passions, Live our Dreams
When we’re struggling to regain health and strength, it can seem almost impossible to have a dream beyond today. In the toughest moments it can feel like we only have one dream -- to get well. But, even if that is your only dream right now, it will remain just a dream without turning your passion into action. Matthew 7:7 says to seek, ask, and knock. Action items. Keep working toward wellness through God’s provision so you can live your other dreams.
7. Support Independent & Family-Owned Ventures
Some of the most innovative and helpful products and services come from passionate people who set out to solve a problem and made a business out of it. The founders of these independent and family-owned businesses usually have a keen interest in the quality and superior function of whatever it is they produce. This passion is often lost when a company goes public. It is imperative to the integrity of our food supply and natural medicine availability to keep it independent. Keep the passion for excellence going.
8. Promote Healthy Food from
Healthy Soil, We are What We Eat
One of the goals of AzureWell is to help restore balance whenever our bodies have been depleted of nutrients. Many of us need to rebuild our bodies with concentrated nutrition after years of eating nutrient-deficient foods and being exposed to pollutants that rob us of our natural vitality. If the soil is depleted, food processing removes the nutrition, or we’re not eating a wide variety of foods for the full spectrum of nutrition, we need to take action to replace the missing elements.
9. Keep it Clean & Sustainable
From the simple concept of washing our hands, to sterilized surgeon’s tools, keeping things clean is health-promoting and encouraged. But, there are advantages to working in the garden and getting dirty. If we define “clean” as being a condition that helps us be healthy, and support life and health, cows in an unpolluted green pasture (vs. a feedlot) can qualify as being “clean”. Our actions should promote health and well-being not just for us, but for future generations. This is the essence of being sustainable.
10. Create Joy & Fulfillment through Serving & Making a Positive Difference in the World
Similar to our Core Value #2 (to provide superior service), we believe Serving and Making a Positive Difference in the World is the greatest mission any individual, community or business can undertake. But, this Core Value #10 goes beyond that. Through serving others we create joy and fulfillment. Serving others gives meaning and purpose to our lives and promotes health for those who give and receive the blessing of service. Serving with joy inspires better health. We WILL make a positive difference in the world simply by choosing to create joy through service to others.
11. Exemplify Personal Transparency & Open Business Practices
Meaningful relationships are healthy and important. But, truly meaningful relationships can’t be built without personal transparency. Transparency builds trust. And trust can build unbreakable bonds. Likewise, relationships with businesses and brands (and the people who create them) are also based on trust. And, that trust is most easily built on a foundation of transparency. Being open and sharing information so others can make appropriate decisions for themselves is quite empowering, and leads to better circumstances for all.
12. Do More with Less
This is the art of continuous improvement. Seeking a better outcome with less struggle. Many times, this means returning to the way Our Creator designed us and our world. But, you don’t get something for nothing. Even when you get better gas mileage (more miles for less fuel), something must increase -- in this example, efficiency. As we seek to continuously improve, how can we achieve more health and wellness with less struggle? The answer may be understanding the principles of nature better, and embracing the natural way.