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Alphonzo Monzo, ND
3 hours ago3 min read
Practitioner Picks
Is there a list of 90 nutrients proven to be essential to your health? Can they be found in just three products? Dr. Monzo speaks out.

Susan Booth
4 days ago3 min read
Breakfast Oatmeal with AzureWell’s Pure Collagen
Oatmeal by itself has many health benefits, but with these special additions, it's health benefits skyrocket! Enjoy this flavorful meal!

Kelly Payne
Jan 92 min read
Fermented Turmeric & Ginger Coated Roasted Vegetables
This quick and easy roasted vegetable dish is coated in AzureWell's Organic Fermented Ginger+ Turmeric and is perfect for a busy night!

H.R. Payne
Jan 15 min read
Staying Away From the Use of Risky Injections
In an attempt to lose weight, many people turn to risky injections. Unfortunately, this is highly risky. Use this natural strategy instead!

H.R. Payne
Nov 4, 20245 min read
Feed Your Beauty
Unlock the secrets to glowing hair, radiant skin and strong nails.

H.R. Payne
Jun 3, 20243 min read
Ceruloplasmin: “The Innate Healer”
Though we must first ensure proper nutrition in our diet; ceruloplasmin has a critical function as our “Innate Healer.”

Kelly Payne
Jun 1, 20242 min read
Marvelous Marigolds
Marigold flowers are are beautiful to behold and a powerhouse of support for healthy vision.* How can a simple flower pack such a punch?

H.R. Payne
May 6, 20244 min read
Strong Bones = A STRONG YOU
Strong bones are an essential part of health while aging. Here are 10 ways you can support bone and joint health.

H.R. Payne
Mar 2, 20244 min read
A Vibrant Way of Living
Tips for healthy living including drinking alkaline water and eating super foods. A kid tested and approved green superfood smoothie recipe.

H.R. Payne
Feb 28, 20244 min read
Confronting Heart Disease
Exploring the hidden dangers of heart disease and the power of targeted nutraceutical interventions* Heart disease is the leading cause...
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